Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Time to Brag About MY Kid

Ok, you know how proud moms are. They go on and on about what their kid can do like nobody else's ever did whatever it is, and the world rotates around said kid, even when they are out hanging another star to go with the moon they probably supposedly hung, too, right? Well, my kid actually has done something worth mentioning that only 12 other mothers on the planet can claim. Jeane is a finalist in the Cloth Paper Scissors Readers' Skeletons in Your Closet Challenge. You can see these amazing creations here along with Jeane's blog about them and read more about it in the CPS blog here. How could these not be picked to be in the magazine? Let's all send positive vibes out into the universe so we see them in print!
XOHEARTP, JEANE (more than ever!) MH